Holy crap! Just when you thought the lunatics populating the right-wing fringe of the Republican Party couldn’t get any further out there than they have been throughout much of this summer, September happens. And just like that they test the limits of any sane person’s credulity yet again.
More on recent happenings in a moment, but first, let’s just think about some of the things that have been said and done by or on behalf of Republican politicians, their whacky supporters, or their enablers during these past few months…all of it meant to either undermine our President, or torpedo any kind of meaningful Health Care Reform, or both.
Start with the ‘birthers’…the bright lights who somehow have got it in what passes for their minds that Barack Obama was not actually born in the United States and therefore is not the legitimate President. It doesn’t matter how many sensible Republicans tell them they’re wrong, or what kind of proof they’re shown. They don’t believe it…because they simply don’t want to believe that a black man could ever have been elected President of ‘their’ country.
You’d expect attention seekers like Alan Keyes, smear author Jerome Corsi (the John Kerry/Swift Boat guy), and noted anti-Semite Andy Martin, would be front and center when this kind of garbage surfaces, and they were…along with others of their ilk. What’s distressing, though, is the credence these whack jobs are being given by supposedly sensible, highly-placed people such as Congressmen Roy Blunt and Trent Franks, television pundits Lou Dobbs and Sean Hannity, former House majority leader Tom Delay, and Liz Cheney, the daughter of the dark lord himself. Yet there they came, together as one during this whole ‘birthers’ thing, like a big ol’ can of mixed nuts.
Then there was, and still is in some quarters, the ‘death panels’ maelstrom. It’s impossible to conceive of a scenario in which any right-thinking person could have knowingly bought into this nonsense, but as the far right proves time and again, nothing is out of the realm of possibility with these mush-heads. The phrase ‘turds for brains’ seems somehow appropriate.
The impetus for this lunacy actually came from one of the ‘supposedly sensible, highly-placed’ folks we should be able to rely on for even-handed analysis and assessment. You know, someone like a political leader. Whoops…somebody forgot to tell Sarah Palin that we really expect better from a person with designs on the White House…but when she informed her drooling followers that the Health Care Reform package making its way through Congress included provisions for pulling the plug on Grandma, we all saw what happened.
First, the mainstream media dutifully reported this absurdity as if it were…well…a real story. Then, predictably, the nuts started falling out of the trees…egged on by right-wing media blogs, and mouth-breathing pundits like Glenn Beck and the rest of the fear-mongering enablers at Faux News. And finally, an assortment of shameless Republican politicians, led by that lying sack of crap Chuck Grassley, jumped on the pile when they saw an opportunity to torpedo Barack Obama’s Health Care Reform initiative. Not surprisingly, they succeeded in scaring the hell out of every senior citizen in the country and, understandably, enraging anyone with an elderly parent or grandparent that they care about.
In other words, the game went exactly according to plan as far as the GOP was and is concerned.
Now, here we are in September and these bat-shit crazy, right-wingers are at it again. Seriously, look at what they’ve come up with in just the past few days! It’s almost as if they’re having an End of Summer Madness Sale…or a Pre-Labor Day WTF Extravaganza.
Take Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann…please! The resident House nut is urging people to slit their wrists…really, she said that…and become blood brothers unified in their opposition to Health Care Reform. Or at least any sort of Health Care Reform with Democratic finger prints on it.
Our old buddy Glenn Beck emerged from his rubber room long enough to suggest that the Obama administration is intent on enslaving the American people. And he claims that when the President addresses the country’s students next week on their return to school, while he may seem to be talking about working hard and getting good grades, he’ll actually be indoctrinating them?!?! So he’s urging parents to keep their children out of school that day. Spread the word.
Former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge’s new book, ‘The Test of Our Times’, was just released, and boy did it cause the earth to stop spinning for a day or so. That’s because in one chapter Ridge said quite specifically that he believed the nation’s Threat Level Warning…you know, that red-orange-yellow color-coded nonsense…was changed just prior to the 2004 Presidential Election for what he feared at the time might have been political reasons, thereby possibly affecting the outcome of the election.
But by the next day Ridge must have received a ‘Threat Level Warning’ of his own, because he was all over the TV and radio circuit claiming he didn’t actually say that. However, when Rachel Maddow of MSNBC correctly pointed out to him during an interview that that’s what was written in the book he wrote, Ridge acknowledged that although he wrote the words in question, he didn’t mean what she…and apparently everybody else…thought he meant. We simply misunderstood his words. Ya…right!
“Now please Mr. Cheney, don’t shoot me. I’ve shredded my credibility to protect you. Isn’t that enough?”
Speaking of the BIG DICK…we’ve left the best for last…a true OMG moment. Someone is floating the idea that Cheney would be a good candidate, maybe the best the Republicans have, to head the GOP ticket for the 2012 election. That’s right…Dick Cheney running for President in 2012. Seriously, we couldn’t make this stuff up.
Imagine, the most hated American politician in recent memory…maybe ever, both here and throughout the free world…representing the best the Republicans have to offer. It’s laughable…and the amazing thing is that no one from the party who’s gone on record thinks it’s a bad idea. Well, maybe they’re afraid to, what with hunting accidents and rendition and all those other, nifty Cheney tactics.
Of course, as MSNBC’s Keith Olberman so astutely observed, he’s probably ineligible to run anyway because he’s already served two terms as President.
Say goodnight DICK!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Right Wing World: Riding the express train to Crazy Town
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