At the risk of offending some people…as if this blog might actually have followers amongst the ‘Ditto Heads’…Rush Limbaugh is about as disgusting an example of the human species as we can imagine. This pathetic excuse of a man has sunk to a low that we didn’t believe even he could find…all to the end of building even more audience to further line his already overstuffed pockets. And damn the consequences of his words!
We’ve all seen or heard any number of these Christian Evangelists on TV and/or radio over the years…some of them quite reasonable, but others so ridiculous that their routine is actually laughable. Well, in a way, that’s what Limbaugh has become… although there’s nothing either Christian or laughable about his act.
Rush Limbaugh is a ‘Hate Evangelist’. His core audience is the lunatic fringe of what has become the extreme right, extremely white wing of the Republican Party…the party of Abraham Lincoln for crying out loud. And this blustering, offensive man has these crazies in his pocket, lapping up all the vitriol and divisiveness and anti Barack Obama, anti Democrat garbage that he consistently vomits out of his pie hole.
His latest proselytizing concerned that incident that occurred on a school bus a few days ago, where a white student was, unfortunately, beaten up by some black students. Limbaugh described it as just another example of what it’s going to be like for white people to live in Barack Obama’s America. Nice…as if something like this, or the reverse of it, had never happened before he became President. And even though the police who investigated the incident said they found nothing to indicate it had been in any way racially motivated, that apparently wasn’t good enough for the odious Mr. Limbaugh.
He indignantly said of the police, “…they’re wrong”. That’s because he wants his listeners to believe IT WAS a racially motivated attack, and they will. Most of them believe whatever he tells them… and far too many of them, if so directed, would act on whatever he tells them too. And therein lies the very real problem with this alarmingly dangerous, hate-mongering, fear-mongering sack of crap… and every other bloviator of his ilk that’s on the air today. They’re dangerous, and they shouldn’t be allowed to spew their venom on our public airwaves.
To inflame the passions of his listeners and viewers even further, Limbaugh also opined, we can only hope jokingly, that perhaps we should return to segregated school buses for the safety of the country’s white students. Right, and then what, Rush…segregated schools, segregated neighborhoods, separate water fountains and public rest rooms, whites only restaurants and hotels. Pretty soon we’ll be back to the way it was before the Civil Rights Act…or is that actually what you want? It sure seems like it!
Much of the impact of broadcast trash such as Limbaugh, the frighteningly psychotic Glenn Beck, bullying blowhard Bill O’Reilly, self-serving apologist Sean Hannity, and the increasingly xenophobic Lou Dobbs, could be neutralized if someone from the GOP had the guts to stand up and say “Enough! These people and their paranoid, hateful disciples don’t speak for or represent me…and I don’t speak for or represent them. What they say and do bears no resemblance to my Republican Party”.
That’s what we’d like to hear, somebody in that party willing to take the first step towards bringing civility and sanity back to our political discourse and debate. But sadly it’s unlikely to happen because truth to tell, their de facto leader is Limbaugh...and there isn't one of them who'd be willing to risk the ire of Java The Hutt by speaking out against him or his herd.
Republicans decided over 40-years ago that no price was too high to pay in their quest for power…not even if it meant embracing Richard Nixon’s soul-selling Southern Strategy. It began with their courting of the Christian Right, and has evolved into this mélange of fanatics and extremists you see the GOP pandering to today…the people who show up at Town Hall meetings, and events such as the recent 9/12 assembly, brandishing guns and carrying those vile, racist, threatening posters you’ve seen so often in the news lately. The GOP has become so locked in, so beholden to this extreme right wing of THEIR party, that they likely couldn’t extricate themselves even if they wanted to…which, obviously, they don’t.
Republican political leaders claim these people are motivated by patriotism, not racism…and that their posters and guns and threats are just a way of expressing concern about America’s future. But that dog ain’t gonna hunt. They may not all be racists, and they may not all be dangerous, but with Limbaugh and the rest of the enablers and encouragers, politicians and broadcast trash alike, fanning the flames of fear and hatred, they’re rapidly assuming the mentality of an angry mob.
The GOP rails against anyone who dares suggest that their extremist followers might be racist, but they’ll gladly toss the race bomb in the other direction whenever it suits their Limbaugh clearly showed when discussing that school bus fight on his radio program. The very next day, when former President Jimmy Carter said that he believed much of the venom directed at President Obama was racially motivated, the big man almost lost his lunch on the air.
“Jimmy Carter is America’s hemorrhoid”, Limbaugh mockingly proclaimed.
To which Keith Olberman adroitly responded, during his show on MSNBC, “…Well, I’ll have to defer to Rush on that…because who would know more about hemorrhoids than America’s asshole”.
Oh snap! Apparently civil discourse must await another day.
And so it goes.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Inciting The Lunatic Fringes: When does responsibility kick in?
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Sorry, I will have to post a few comments. I have a lot to say here, and the blog post will only let me post so much.
ReplyDeleteWhile I haven't listened to Limbaugh in quite some time, I used to find him good for a few laughs. Some of what he said made a lot of sense to me, and some of his speeches had to be taken with a grain of salt or ignored. Once again, by being controversial, divisive, and outrageous a person in the media is making money. Marketing 101, good or bad press I am being talked about. Curious cats want to know what the fuss is about and listen or watch. This is what people listen to and watch. Folks are drawn to these types of programs. Michael Moore, Chris Matthews, Tim Russert (God Rest His Soul), and George Stephenopolis, make their money in the similar ways only from a left viewpoint, although I have never heard them be as vulgar as this. He is making money from having people listen to him.
If we all used our true power this type of stuff would not be on the air. We have more power in what we choose to buy, than what these folks have in all of their confusing rhetoric and propaganda. If we refused to buy the products of those who advertise on these programs, and let those companies know why their products and services were not being purchased, wouldn't these programs be off the air?
I believe that all of these talk show hosts have the right to say what they want. To me your opinion that "they’re dangerous, and they shouldn’t be allowed to spew their venom on our public airwaves" is more dangerous. It seems to me that by not allowing them to talk on our public airwaves that you would be taking their First Amendment rights away. Follow me to see where I am going with this.
For an example, when the Dixie Chicks talked about their disdain for President Bush in a foreign country, many everyday Americans saw it as disrespectful and refused to buy their products. Do you hear about them anymore? I remember them asking for forgiveness and citing the First Amendment giving them the right to say what they said and to please start buying their new record. They had the right to say what they wanted, but part of that right is being accountable and accepting of the consequences of your speech, as I have stated before.
ReplyDeleteIn the end it is up to us the consumer to turn the dial. If we don't listen or buy it goes away. Obviously the folks on the left are listening to him as well helping to pad his pocket. You must even be listening to him since you quoted so much from his show. It's all entertainment that we choose to buy. We as people love to listen and watch people who agree with or anger them. If we all stopped listening there wouldn't be much of a paycheck.
Wouldn't it be awesome if the folks in both parties would run and advertise their ideas and what they really stood for or plan to do, rather than negative campaigning so people could make up their own minds and vote accordingly? The only commercials and shows that I saw during the presidential race were negative and uninformative. I had to vote on my old beliefs. Unfortunately, negativity sells.
I agree with you that the segregation and racist comments are ridiculous. Segregation would be a terrible mistake. I worked for a global corporation that had employees from multiple nationalities and promoted values of working together. It served them very well I might add. It was very valuable for me as an individual to get to learn about and gain understanding and friendship from so many different cultures and people. It would be a shame to lose that type of opportunity due to (once again) a minority view.
As far as Jimmy Carter is concerned, I consider him a far greater man after his Presidency than as a President. Habitat for Humanity and the good they do is beyond words. I watched him on an agricultural show talking about his family's farm and the good he has done for the farming community in GA as well. I do not remember much of his policies as president because I was too young. From what I have read and remember learning about was that he was just too nice of a man to be effective in the office. Giving up control of the Panama Canal in my opinion was a mistake, and I remember the hostage situation in Iran. As soon as Reagan was elected they sent the hostages home, didn't they? It seems that no matter who is in power we make the Middle East angry.
In the end we get no real information from any of these shows. Just rhetoric, propaganda, and entertainment. So how do we make a positive change. Boycott products and services advertised on these programs. Get the word out to those companies as to why we won't purchase their products. To make the most positive changes in the direction this nation is heading would be to hit them in the pocketbook as our Government, insurance companies, oil companies, and finacial institutions are so willing to do to us.
ReplyDeleteDG, thank you so much for your comments. You are obviously informed and intelligent and a truly caring human being. Our reason for suggesting that Limbaugh and Beck and some on the left, too, should be banned from spewing their venom is simple. It is one thing to shout at the speaker in a town hall meeting, and quite another to shout "Fire!" in the crowded theater. The first may be rude, but the second incites people to dangerous action. In our opinion, what Limbaugh does, day in and day out, is incite people to hate-filled action that could result in violence and death. President Obama gets 400 times as many death threats as any other president, according to some stats we heard the other day. We believe that Limbaugh and Beck play a part in inspiring people to do crazy, deadly things, not just influence votes. We agree whole heartedly with your view that consumers should boycott their advertisers and let them know why. This topic is not likely to disappear anytime soon, so let's keep in touch on this. Thanks, DG.