Friday, July 17, 2009

Pat & Bay Buchanan Fight for White

Pat and Bay Buchanan – carrying the banner of racism for the Republicans by (nudge nudge wink wink) accusing Sotomayor of being a racist!

It may have started in Congress, but none of those unscrupulous legislators does a better job of cozying up to the racist, fearmongering extreme right Republican base than those lovable Buchanans! And the media just eats it up.

Apparently it doesn’t matter how much evidence you can pile up that makes it so clear that Sotomayor is decidedly neutral in evaluating cases that come before her…

Apparently it doesn’t matter that, having faced bias herself, she might be very careful not to give in to it because she can see what that does…

Apparently it doesn’t matter that, in context, she said someone who was wise (and happened to be a Latina) was more likely to make a better decision than someone who was not wise (and happened to be a white male)…

Apparently it doesn’t matter that only a tiny percentage of Sotomayor’s decisions get appealed, and only a tiny percentage of those get accepted for consideration by the Supreme Court, and in overturning one of her decisions, they decided to disregard precedent and take the law in a new direction (ACTIVISTS!)…

Apparently it doesn’t matter that you hammer on an assertion that has been discredited over and over and over again by every neutral and respected organization and board that evaluates judges…

As we all know, there has been a decades-long effort by Republicans to reassure their base in barely subtle ways that the GOP will look out for white folks first and foremost; that they believe that other folks are simply inferior and can’t be trusted; and they paint white males as the victims of horribly unjust discrimination. Nudge nudge wink wink, we’ll fight that unjust discrimination.

The supreme court has been a bastion for the white male since the beginning of America. Please tell me that doesn’t mean our forefathers believed that only white men could be wise enough to settle our legal differences. And because our forefathers believed that, we have to hold fast to it. Otherwise the world will come to an end.

Between the lines, that’s what we’re hearing from the Buchanan twins. Have they no shame? Or do they really believe this?


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