Friday, July 24, 2009

Circling the Bases: Some Random Thoughts Heading into the Weekend

The ‘Birthers’, as they’ve now come to be known, are obviously totally out of control at this point. They seethe in the belief that President Barack Obama was not born an American and therefore cannot be President. It doesn’t matter what proof is furnished…and it never will. These people listen religiously to and believe fanatically in everything that’s said by racist, paranoid psychos like Glenn Beck. They’re all on the express train to ‘Crazy Town’ and the only thing left for sane people to do is get the hell out of the way and hope that they don’t hurt anybody before their heads explode.

Delaware GOP Congressman Mike Castle, a moderate, found that out during a recent Town Hall meeting with some of his constituents. Check out the video link at the end of today’s blog. OMG! If that woman has kids they’re probably all running away from home today…or they should be! Here’s the hard truth of the matter. The ‘Birthers’ simply refuse to accept that a legitimately elected black man is now the President of the United States. They don’t want it to be true, so in their deluded world, it isn’t…and unfortunately they apparently feed off each other.

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It’s pretty much a slam dunk that Sonia Sotomayor is going to be named the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States. In these eyes, that’s a good thing…but we’re left with a lingering question now that her Senate Judicial Committee hearing has ended. Call it an itch that needs to be scratched. I couldn’t help wonder why, when every one of the Republican members of the committee kept hammering at her about being a racist who might be unduly influenced by her Latina roots, someone didn’t turn the tables on them? The question just begging to be asked was if any of them had been even the least bit concerned during Chief Justice John Roberts’ confirmation hearings as to whether or not he might be unduly influenced by his whiteness? Just Wondering?

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The Health Care Reform initiative seems to be bogging down, particularly in the Senate, and it now appears that nothing substantive will be tabled at least until the fall. After all…c’mon now. These are hard working people representing us in the Senate. They claim they really need this holiday to clear their heads and think this thing through…and maybe they do? Better that they come up with some meaningful, well-conceived legislation than some half-assed idea that’s meant to mollify everyone but won’t help anyone…except, perhaps, the insurance mafia! So we’ll give them a pass…even that spineless little milquetoast Harry Reid…until we see what they end up bringing back for our approval.

But in the interim, here’s a little anecdote they can go back home and regale their constituents with. We were at a sporting event in Charleston, South Carolina the other night where we ended up in conversation with a 50’ish medical doctor from Canada. When talk came around to the Health Care Reform initiative being bandied about in Washington…and everywhere else in the country for that matter… he just kind of rolled his eyes and listened sympathetically as we tried to guess where our system was headed.

Then he said…and we’re paraphrasing here because we weren’t rolling tape on this conversation… “Did you know that in the Ottawa/Montreal area we have a jet airplane that we regularly charter for one specific purpose. The plane is flown down into the United States…anywhere in the country that it needs to go… on a regular basis. Its sole mission is to retrieve Canadians who have been hospitalized in your country for anything serious and bring them back home to Canada for treatment.” When we asked why Canada felt the need to do this the good doctor smiled kind of sadly before answering. “Because the people responsible for overseeing our health insurance system have come to the realization that it’s less expensive to charter a jet and bring the hospitalized Canadians back home than it would be to pay the kind of hospital bills they’d be faced with if they stayed to be treated in the United States. They’re covered by their Canadian health insurance when they travel into the States, but if it’s a significant problem it’s much less expensive to just go and get them and bring them back home so we can treat them in Canada.”

And if that doesn’t speak loudly to just how screwed up the health care system is in this country, then you’re just not listening.

We’ll be back with more on Monday. Let us know if there’s anything in particular you want us to look into or discuss. Until then, have a great weekend!

Now…fasten your seat belts because you’re about to board the express train to crazy town!


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