Thursday, July 16, 2009

Throwing Turds At The Wall

The lunatic crap that the fringe right comes up with on an almost daily basis…their ‘we’ve got to take down Obama’ attack plan if you will…literally defies comprehension if you’re the type of person who actually thinks before you open your cake hole.

Take Reserve Army Major Stefan Frederick Cook for example. This is the guy who filed suit to skirt a deployment order to Afghanistan, which has since been suspended, because he says he doesn’t believe that Barack Obama is really an American and therefore not really the president and, by extension, not the commander-in-chief either.

WTF? Never mind that this ‘Obama’s never produced his birth certificate’ story has been debunked about a thousand times now…as if John McCain’s people, the RNC, or even Hilary Clinton’s people and the DNC, wouldn’t have done their due diligence and checked this out by now. Duh!

Anyway, Major Cook…and how the hell did that ever happen…decides to go all out and hire a lawyer to present his case. Great idea except that apparently he didn’t, or at least not exactly. He ended up retaining some caricature from California who goes by the name of Dr. Orly Taitz. Turns out she’s a dentist cum real estate agent cum lawyer (???) who got her law degree from something called William Howard Taft University…one of those on-line/correspondence degree mills. Seriously! You couldn’t make this stuff up.

In any case, we’re pretty sure she did actually manage to get that prestigious Taft law degree. In fact, we’re fairly positive because she’s now a member of the bar and licensed to practice…in California. She also boasts the estimable Alan Keyes (just ask him) as a client who, like Cook, has essentially sued to contest Obama’s legal right to be POTUS. Who could possibly doubt her credibility as a litigant?

So anyway, off they go with the Cook case, right? Well…not exactly. Apparently ol’ WHTU isn’t accredited by the American Bar Association, so she can ONLY practice law in California…where you can also start up a church if you discover a potato chip that reminds you of the Virgin Mary. Problem is, our intrepid Major lives in Georgia where the good doctor/lawyer can’t practice law… we’re not even sure she can pull teeth or sell houses there…just like she can’t practice law anywhere else in the United States except for California.

Tough break that, but no matter. They did manage to get their suit filed and it’s already starting to bear fruit. Cook’s regular job WAS working for an army sub-contractor, but now that he’s filed his law suit…against the army…he’s no longer welcome on any American military bases. So the dopey Major and his lawyer wannabe have so far only succeeded in getting him fired. Interesting strategy.

Honest to God! It’s almost as if these wacko righties wake up every day determined to throw as many turds at the wall as they possibly can in the hope that some of it will stick. The problem is that they end up with so much stink on themselves that nobody with a lick of sense wants to be anywhere near them lest it rub off.


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