Thursday, October 22, 2009

Circling The Drain: Why the GOP is becoming the party of NO ONE

The blog we posted Tuesday apparently struck a nerve with some of our right-leaning friends. In spite of the poll numbers staring them in the face, they vehemently dispute the notion that the Grand Old Party could be well on its way to imploding.

But the reality is that that’s exactly what’s happening...and from this vantage point the reason is pretty obvious. As long as Republicans stand by and allow those with the least credibility…or those who are the most polarizing…to speak for them, the GOP death spiral will continue. They’re losing support at an alarming rate because…well, quite frankly, because almost nobody likes or trusts them any more. More specifically, almost nobody likes or trusts the people who have become the face of their party.

Consider the evidence!

Let’s start in the House of Representatives where John Boehner is arguably the most ineffective Minority Leader in the history of either party…so no one really pays any attention to him. Instead, the Republican House member we see and hear pontificating most often, and far too shrilly, is Michele Bachmann, a certifiable Minnesota loon.

Every time Bachmann opens her mouth…and it rarely seems to be closed these days… the extent of her lunacy is increasingly more obvious. Think indoctrination camps, death panels, birthers, wrist slitting, sex clinics in schools…she’s been front and center for all of them, either as the originator of the spuriousness or the one who gives voice and credence to it. And she’s emerged as the GOP standard bearer in the House.

It’s almost a mirror image in the Senate where Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has perhaps even less public appeal than Boehner. McConnell makes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid seem dynamic by comparison…and who would’ve thought that was even possible? So with increasing regularity, into that gaping Republican void steps Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Yikes! How’s that for a spokesperson? A bigoted, sexist, heartless, xenophobe…and that’s only what we know about him so far. If they ever begin peeling back some of the layers on this Jesse Helms wannabe, who the hell knows what they’ll find?

Let’s see! Just recently he voted against Democrat Al Franken’s amendment to withhold defense contracts from companies if they restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court…this on the heels of allegations by a former employee of Haliburton subsidiary KBR that she was gang raped and subsequently held captive in a storage trailer four days after reporting for work in Iraq.

Over the years Sessions has also been, either by vote or voice, against a ban on the use of torture during interrogation; against a reauthorization of the President’s Plan for World Aids Relief; in favor of the Helms Amendment that would ban HIV-positive patients from entering the country; in favor of the warrantless wiretapping program; and soooooo against Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor that he actually insinuated during her ultimately successful confirmation hearing that she was a racist! What a Guy.

Then there’s former Vice President Dick Cheney, apparently now totally invested as the GOP front man on the public speaking circuit. And what he does best…what he has always done best…is demean and criticize from afar. Since January his primary target…hell, who are we kidding…his only target has been President Obama and his administration.

It seems Cheney doesn’t think the Obamas have cleaned up the ungodly mess they inherited following eight years of Bush-Cheney madness quickly enough for his liking. That apparently gives him license…always in front of friendly audiences of course…to, most recently, call the President weak on defense in reference to Afghanistan, and a ditherer with regards to his overall foreign policy. He routinely fires other volleys…Big Dick always has been good with a gun…about things like the mess our economy is in, rising unemployment, and Health Care Reform which, predictably, he is dead set against.

Then there’s the bloviators who hold forth daily on talk radio and television…primarily but not exclusively on Faux News… in unflinching support of the Republicans and vehemently opposed to everything that has anything to do with President Obama or the Democrats. Led by the likes of the obscene Rush Limbaugh, the absurd Glenn Beck, the offensive Bill O’Reilly, the pointless Sean Hannity, and the ludicrous Lou Dobbs (is it possible Dobbs is angling for a job at Faux so he can rejoin his old buddy Beck?), these screeching hate mongers have effectively become the GOP’s media arm.

So there you have it, in sum total the new public face of the Republican Party…or, perhaps more accurately, the public face of the new Republican Party. And to think there are actually people out there who wonder why the Grand Old Party is circling the drain.

Go figure!


1 comment:

  1. They have cut the throats of the poor and the middle class.

    They have looted our national treasure.

    They have abandoned their constituency in favor of a multi-national corporate behemoth and an out-of-control military industrial complex.

    They have created a global, geo-political catastrophe in the Middle East that will take at least a century to remedy.

    They have shoveled a generation of American children into an untenable slaughterhouse in Iraq.

    They have engendered an economic nightmare so immense that generations yet unborn will still be bearing its burden.

    They have sold our nation's soul to the highest corporate bidder.

    They have made a mockery of the First Amendment.

    They have squandered a trillio-plus dollar surplus with a tax cut for a class of people who didn't need it.

    They have gutted vital social programs that aid the poor and the elderly which have been in place for over seventy years.

    They have gutted laws meant to protect working men and women.

    They have plundered the environment.

    They have depleted our educational system.

    They have hijacked this nation's political dialogue.

    They have ruined our international reputation.

    They have handed our domestic agenda over to religious fanatics.

    They have stolen two national elections.

    They have trampled on our constitution.

    They have sent our Bill of Rights through the sausage grinder....

    They must never, ever be allowed to govern our country again.

    The grand old party is over.

    Tom Degan
    Goshen, NY
