Little Pricks, Big Dicks, and Looking Out for Number One
Remember WAY BACK when wearing a t-shirt or carrying a sign with any sort of anti-George Bush sentiment on it would, at the least, get you barred from being anywhere within TV camera range of any Bush event, or, at the worst, get you arrested. Wow, how times have changed…and in this case, not for the better. Look what we’ve come to now!
Every time we see one of these gun-toting cretins displaying their manhood at a Town Hall Meeting on Health Care Reform…either with or without President Obama in attendance…we can’t help but be reminded of a print advertisement we saw in some British publication a few years back. The ad displayed a high-powered sports car…it doesn’t really matter which one…and the gist of it was as follows: “Little Penis?…Have We Got A Car For You!”.
These guys are nothing more than punks, pure and simple. They carry their guns for all to see in an effort to make up for some of the many things that they lack…like maturity, confidence, basic intelligence, and perhaps most of all, genuine toughness. Imagine thinking that it somehow makes you a big man to brandish a loaded gun at a large, public gathering that includes lots of women, children and old people. How pathetic!
They’re the kind of flaccid specimens who would immediately cry for Mom and reach for their weapons at the first sign of any perceived trouble, and it wouldn’t matter to them whether their imagined adversary was armed or not. They’ll shoot their guns first, and then they’ll shoot their mouth off about their second amendment right to have and bear arms. And it’s a slam-dunk that the smaller the pecker, the bigger the gun will be. The ones carrying the AKs to these gatherings are the most pathetic of them all…miserable excuses for men…miserable excuses for human beings.
Speaking of dicks… how about former Republican House Majority Leader DICK Armey, one of the limpest tools of them all. This is the guy who once said that “…God will never let the earth be destroyed by something called global warming”.
Well, the one-time Texas Congressman, now a disgraced yet unapologetic lobbyist, is at his absurd worst again. Now he’s on record as having issued a typically outrageous, lunatic-right ‘Obama as Nazi’ pronouncement about the Swine Flu. Claiming the administration will use fears of a Swine Flu pandemic to sway politicians who have yet to sign on to the President’s Health Care Reform agenda, Armey said, “In September or October there will be a hyped-up outbreak of the Swine Flu which they’ll say is as bad as the Bubonic Plague to scare the bed-wetters to vote for Health Care Reform”.
This is the same DICK Armey who recently had to resign his position as a lobbyist for DLA Piper because of a blatant conflict of interest…and when a raging conservative gets forced out as a lobbyist for drug manufacturers and others with a horse in the Health Care Reform race, you know it had to be blatant! Alas our boy DICK apparently also heads up a conservative advocacy group called, ironically, Freedom Works…the same Freedom Works that was found to have been “encouraging” right-wing activists to “disrupt” Town Hall meetings meant to be forums for discussing Health Care Reform.
“Scare the bed-wetters”. What a guy. What a…DICK!
So let’s step back for a moment and think about who, other than the regular, shameless cast of Republican politicians and health industry mouthpieces, seems to be the most passionately opposed to ANY KIND of meaningful Health Care Reform. First of all, sadly and most predictably, are the loyal legions of Faux News viewers and right-wing radio listeners…the unthinking sheep who unquestioningly devour all the slop that the Sean Hannitys and Glenn Becks and Rush Limbaughs of the world dish up for them…the kind of people Bill O’Reilly would refer to as “pinheads”, were it not for the fact that they’re his core audience.
It would be great to be able to say that that’s the extent of the dissent, but unfortunately that’s not the case…not even close. There’s another, larger group that, as is their wont, speak and act as individuals but are, collectively, both a significant voice and a sad commentary on our society. These are the type…probably good folks when seen under almost any other light…who, when push comes to shove, are ultimately and selfishly only concerned about themselves. And like the sheep, they've been led to believe, or they truly fear, that Health Care Reform is going to affect their own situations negatively.
We all know some of them…the ones who couldn’t give a tinker’s damn that there are almost fifty million uninsured people in America, as long as they have health insurance for themselves and their families…or the ones who are employed in the health care industry, perhaps selling health insurance. Almost invariably they have their health insurance provided for them and therefore don’t have any idea what it means to face skyrocketing premiums or policy exclusions. Or they’re responsible for their own health insurance but have never had to access their coverage to pay for any kind of catastrophic incident or life-threatening illness that sent their premiums through the roof and ultimately beyond their means.
They can’t fathom premiums so exorbitant that even people with good jobs simply can’t afford them. They have no idea what it feels like to have to self-diagnose…or to be forced to decide whether or not their child is sick enough to justify a trip to the doctor or the emergency room because they know that their deductible hasn’t yet been met and they really can’t afford it. They’ve never had to choose between their own child’s health or buying groceries to feed the family. They’ve never faced bankruptcy because of a mountain of unpaid medical bills that resulted from either a loss of or inadequate coverage.
These are not bad people. They’re our friends and neighbors and, in many cases, our relatives… and sadly, they just don’t understand. They can’t, and unfortunately they never will, unless they are faced themselves with the prospect of the same kind of personal financial disasters that so many American families have already experienced…and what so many more will most assuredly be confronted with until this mess that is our current Health Care System is finally fixed.
That’s why it’s so vitally important that the Democrats don’t give up on meaningful Health Care Reform. And that's why, if they continue to waiver, we have to remind them in no uncertain terms, why we elected them!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Low Lowdown:
Dick Armey,
Faux News,
health care reform,
health insurance
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MASTERFUL! Absolutely right-on. Keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteWhile I disagree with your characterization of "gun-toting cretins," I heartily agree that it's refreshing to see the American tradition of dissent being once again tolerated. After eight years of any disagreement being labeled as "terrorism," it's nice to see people protesting freely.